

A vendre:160/1280 (FPL53) oil spaced triplet APOCHROMAT OTA
GPU objective is an oil spaced fluorite triplet made of FPL53 and ZK7 glasses. Strehl is above 98%. Optical quality meets the highest expectations.
Objective diameter 160mm focal ratio f8.
Sharp edge baffles in oversize AlMgSi(1) tube, 180mm back focus.
2,7" focuser, with a 1.8 degree/step stepper motor drive. Controller can be connected to PC via RS232 port and accepts LX200 orders. One step counts 0,026 mm. Focuser react even one step. Gear ratio is 1:5.
Focuser at work can be seen:
Minimal lenght of OTA is 1190 mm, dimensions of box: 1246x330x286 mm.
Objective designed and manufactured in Hungary. All mechanical parts come from EU. No Far-East contribution.
Please visit web pages:

Nom et prénom : Istvan
E-mail : ncomfortably(@)
Adresse : Budapest
Pays : Hungary
Prix : 7000

Article posté à  15:54:00, le 03/27/12 par Dominique - Catégorie : Petites Annonces

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